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Volunteers are collecting food for a food pantry and also working to stock that pantry.


There is a blue bag from Montgomery Food Share sitting on a porch in front of a wooden door.

Sign up to be a Food Donor

Use the Contact Us form below to sign up to be a food donor for Montgomery Food Share or to help out in other ways. A volunteer will bring you a blue bag. Every time you shop, add a few food and personal care items to the bag.

Two young girls stand in front of a cart loaded with donated food they have collected with their mother, who is pulling the cart.

Items are Collected Bimonthly

On the first Saturday of even numbered months, food donors place their blue bags outside their doors and volunteers collect the items inside and bring them to the drop off location.

Large yellow barrels from the Free Store Food Bank have been filled with nonperishable items donated by Montgomery Food Share food donors.

Donated Items Support the Freestore Foodbank

A little bit of food makes a big impact when it is combined with donations from your neighbors all across the city! After collection, the barrels are transferred to the Freestore Foodbank.

An infographic stating that 206,000 neighbors in the tristate are at risk for hunger. It also contains the Montgomery Food Share Logo and states: "Recruiting donors and collecting year round, because hunger isn't just at the holidays."


Montgomery Food Share began in 2013 when Wendy New and her neighbors in the Montgomery Woods subdivision set a goal to help the 1 in 7 individuals in Hamilton County who are food insecure. After a partnership was established with the Freestore Food Bank in downtown Cincinnati, recruitment of ongoing food donors began. On June 1, 2013, 860 pounds of nonperishable food and personal care items were collected from over 100 households, and a journey began. Under Wendy's leadership, this 501(c)3 charity has grown tremendously, becoming one of the top donors to the Freestore Food Bank, collecting the equivalent of over 250,000 meals to combat hunger among families and individuals in our area.



Year Established




Tons of Food Collected


Equivalent Meals



  • What types of items are needed?
    The most needed items are: Canned Proteins Canned Soups Canned Vegetables and Fruits Macaroni and Cheese Peanut Butter Personal Care Items All non-perishable and personal care items will be accepted. The Freestore Foodbank does not accept items in glass, but we have partnered with another food pantry who will take those items.
  • When do I put out my food to be collected?
    Collections will be held on the 1st Saturday of even months (February, April, June, August, October, and December) starting at 10am. You should have your blue bag with your items in it out on your porch prior to 10:00 on the day of the collection. To make it easier for our volunteers, please place your items inside a disposable paper or plastic bag and then place that inside your blue bag.
  • What other ways can I help?
    It takes many volunteers to make the Montgomery Foodshare run smoothly and we would welcome your help! Volunteers are needed to collect food and sort it at the collection site (currently Sycamore High School). You can volunteer to recruit more food donors or be a neighborhood captain. Or let us know if you have a special skill that you think we can benefit from.
  • Can I still sign up if I don't live in Montgomery?
    Maybe. We do collect food from some neighboring areas. Please use the Contact Us form and we will let you know if we will be able to send someone to collect from your home.
  • Can I donate money?
    The Montgomery Food Share is not collecting donations at this time. However, you can donate directly to the Freestore Foodbank. Click the button below that will take you directly to their website to make a donation.

I want to thank the donors who provide food to Freestore Foodbank. It’s made a big difference in my life. It’s helped me to see that I’m going to survive this. I don’t know what I would do without the assistance. It takes a little of the burden off.

Donna V.,
Senior helping provide
for her grandchildren

It is truly a gift that Montgomery Food Share is working with us to end hunger and stabilize lives, so that we can realize our vision of a hunger-free, healthy and thriving community!

Kurt L. Reiber,
CEO Freestore Foodbank

A year ago, I got sick and could no longer work full time. Money tends to get tight for me at the end of the month. It means everything to me when my kids and grandkids come to visit on holidays, I have food to share with them.

Kenneth R.
Receiving food and support from a community partner


Your help is needed! To become a food donor and/or volunteer, submit the form below with your contact information. 

Thanks for submitting!

A young preschool girl with dark hair and dark eyes embraces a toddler with short curly hair who is wearing a gray shirt.

Donate to the Freestore Foodbank


We'd love to hear from you

A person is typing on the keyboard of a laptop computer
A man in a white shirt is typing on his cell phone in his hand.


A young girl with curly hair leans on the back of and places her hands around her mother.
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© 2025 by Montgomery Food Share

5087 Lord Alfred Ct.

Cincinnati, OH 45241

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